Life Transitions
“Genuine beginnings begin within us, even when they are brought to our attention by external opportunities”. William Bridges.
Experiencing a life transition can cause confusion and pain, it is easier to blame others and situations we find ourselves in than looking at ourselves. However, self-awareness can help us find our identity, our passion and our purpose.

How Art therapy is helping children with Autism express themselves.
Most children with ASD, like to follow the sand play activity with a painting/drawing activity. Having to choose colours and mix them can spike even more creativity! Some children choose using clay, building models, or working with different art materials. These activities improve children’s imagination and facilitate greater abstract thinking.

The symbolism of a lighthouse in Sandplay Therapy
Extract from my Sandplay Therapy paper submitted to STANZA - Sandplay Therapy Association of NZ and Australia.

What is Mindfulness
Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment, with openness, curiosity and without judgment. What does it mean?

Helping your teenager with anxiety
2022 saw many children going back to school. How these children and teenagers manage these major changes in their lives is a question confronting many parents and carers. We know that change can lead to stress, and consequently some individuals develop anxiety.

Setting intentions
It is that time of the year again when many of us think about setting goals and making positive changes in our lives. Setting resolutions for the new year is great, but from my experience, they don’t always work!

Do you need to be a perfect parent?
There is no such thing as being a perfect parent.
“The art of showing up”

What does an Art Therapy session look like?
Many people ask me this question, so I thought I will write a description of what to expect when you come to an Art Therapy session at my practice.

Watching the Waves
Lock down number 6! But this time we can feel the uncertainty more than ever. We feel the anxiety around us, but we can also see a lot of compassion and kindness.

Tree of hope
Tree of Hope – A reflective Art Therapy exercise using the visual metaphor in which a tree represents your life, the various elements that make it up and your hopes for the future.

“Ten Thousand Flowers in Spring” by Wu-Men
This poem by Wu–Men (a classic Zen poet who lived from 1183-1260 in China) is a wonderful metaphor on how our mind can find some peace when we let go of the constant inner chatter.

The Guest House: A Poem
Rumi’s poem: “The guesthouse” gets to the heart of mindful living in the most beautiful way.

What’s in your circle of control?
Mindful Art Therapy activity to help us stop, reflect and be in the moment. Creativity can help us during times of stress. You do not have to be artistic to benefit from engaging in a creative activity. To encourage you to have a go, use this activity to make a start.

Looking after your inner child in these challenging times
For some of us, the thought of coming out of isolation might raise some anxieties and unexpected challenges. It’s a time to reflect and to appreciate what’s important to us. I find that this can be an important time and we can all benefit from some inner child healing.

On line art therapy - thinking outside the studio box
We are experiencing strange times at the moment. And we don’t really know when this situation is going to end, or what sort of a future we will find ourselves in. However, in the meantime, we can support each other by connecting through the wonders of technology.

Engaging with children who have experienced trauma.
Children who have experienced trauma need help to build a collection of successes, rather than a list of failures. Trauma by definition, is unbearable and intolerable. Feelings of intense fear, helplessness, loss of control and threat of death characterize it. Trauma can overwhelm a person mentally, emotionally and physically.

Disabled And a New Parent? Some Tips on Making It Work
I was recently contacted by someone to publish their writing on my website. I decided to go ahead an help out this stranger as I am passionate about equality, people with disabilities and mental health.

Creative Workshop- Art and Expression
Thank you to all the children who stopped by on Saturday at my art therapy table at the Pottery Barn store in Chadstone Shopping Centre. The workshop provided opportunity for children and adults to explore their creative side.

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” Theodore Roosevelt.
At times, such as life transitions, when children are leaving the nest, changing career in your 50's, looking for a new job or perhaps a breakdown of a relationship, staying positive and not comparing yourself to others can be very difficult.

Do you feel that you are living with a teen-alien?
Communicating with your teenager can sometimes be very challenging! How can you avoid that common situation when a simple misunderstanding or question, quickly descends into yelling and chaos?