Do you need to be a perfect parent?

There is no such thing as being a perfect parent.

We worry about how our children are doing, whether they are happy, if they are safe.  We worry if we are doing a good enough job looking after them and if we are raising them up to be good people. 

However, worrying does not help! How do our children benefit if we waste our time and energy worrying? What they need is for us to be there for them! Physically present and emotionally tuned in. That’s what they need and that’s what you need too. (We just need to be there for our children! physically and emotionally.)

 When we are mentally and emotionally present with our children, they will feel safe and seen, even at a time of turmoil and confusion. Research shows that the best predictor of how a child will develop in terms of happiness, social and emotional development, meaningful relationships, and even academic results, is whether they will experience one secure attachment with one caring adult in their early years of development. Isn’t that a wonderful service we can give our kids, a gift really!

 (So, let’s try and do our best by just showing up and being there for our children.)

 Can I help you explore the ways in which you can be there for your child?

 References from Dr. Dan Siegel’s book: “The power of showing up”


Setting intentions


What does an Art Therapy session look like?